It is officially Autumn and the leaves are starting to change.
I always start to sing "the Autumn Leaves".
The beauty of the red, orange and gold are coming into focus.
This was our time of year.....Not too hot, but not the cold of winter months either. Spring is nice, but you have the chill of the transposing winter air still in rising.
Fall is always the time to reflect on where we have been for the past year, before the hype of the holidays to come.
I look out my window and I dread the thought of all the leaves I will have to rake. It seems each year, there are more and more.
I may just pull a Maxine and wait and let the wind blow them into my neighbors yard and let her deal with them.
Oh how un-neighborly that would be.
Last year we did not rake at all and how embarrassing that was!
No, I will force myself to rake the yards at some time.
I have been enjoying the pictures people have been posting from their journeys to the mountains and even just around their own home stomping grounds.
Wishful that I will be able to contribute from my own life tales.
If not, please know I do have a very wicked imagination.
You Will be seeing more of ME in days ahead.